Watercolor Painting Challenge Day 3

Day #3: Color Reference Chart

Today’s challenge is to create a reference chart or cheat sheet to the colors in your palette.  This is the first exercise you should do after you’ve purchased your paints in order to familiarize yourself with the hues in your set.

Why make one? It’s a great first exercise in using your water brush and getting to know your colors. Your reference chart helps you to quickly see what your colors look like on paper, since many of them, especially the darker hues, look very different in the palette compared to dry on paper. You can keep this chart in your sketchbook or affixed to the lid of your watercolor set.

Note: In the video, I ask you to label the names of your colors, but in case you don’t know their exact names, here’s a link to a palette from the Winsor and Newton website which should help give you some idea of what they might be.

Your Assignment