Artists Pigments Workshop

Below you’ll find the resources for participating in the live online workshop, Artists Pigments Through the Ages on Saturday, October 17th at 10 am PDT.
You may join us LIVE or watch the REPLAY at any time in the future.

NOTE: If you want to follow along live while I demonstrate the paint-making process, you should order your pigments at least 7 days before the event.

DOWNLOAD Egg Tempera Painting Examples


• Watercolor paper or sturdy sketching paper. The less textured the better.
• Watercolor paint brushes; ideally the smallest available, like size#1 or less.
• Whole egg (preferably farm-fresh and room temperature).
• Cup of water, paper towel, sharp implement like a needle, pin, or knife.
• Small spoon, small lidded jar, and a sketching pencil.
• Mixing surface (like a plate) or enamel pan, palette knife or small spatula.
• Tree silhouettes cheat sheet.
• Pigments. Use either:
1) Powdered artists pigments. Recommended company for ordering pigments: Natural Earth Paint. Receive a 10% discount with this code: NEPFamily (case sensitive). All you’ll need is the 3 oz sizes which are about $6.50 each. I will be demonstrating how to paint tree silhouettes, so I suggest getting one of the darker, historic colors like one of the ochres, umbers, siennas, or black. But color doesn’t really matter since we are just experimenting, so get at least one color that you like.
2) If you can’t get powdered pigments, you can try using a dark charcoal pencil or vine charcoal and pulverizing it with fine-grained sandpaper or nail file.
• Optional: several clean clam shells (for use as historically correct paint cups!)



  • Bright Earth- Art and The Invention of Color By Philip Ball
  • Color; A Natural History of the Palette By Victoria Finlay
  • Colors; The Story of Dyes and Pigments By Francois Delamare and Bernard Guineau
  • Blue; The History of a Color By Michel Pastoureau 

Christine picking out pigments in Rome!