Sketching the Wildlife of the Galapagos

Below you’ll find the resources for the Galapagos Islands Wildlife Sketching Workshop Series. These workshops were filmed in 2021 and are now available as recordings. Enjoy!


Giant Tortoise Workshop

-You’ll also learn a bit about the Green Sea Turtle; the other common turtle of the islands.

Click to watch workshop

Click to download tortoise cheat sheet

BONUS TURTLE WORKSHOP: on Sea Turtles (Replay from 2020 workshop)

CLICK HERE for Sea Turtle sketching cheatsheet, then watch the video below.

Galapagos Sea Lion Workshop

You’ll also learn a bit about the other common marine mammal that basks onshore; the Galapagos Fur Seal.

Click to watch workshop

Click to download cheat sheet

BONUS MAMMAL WORKSHOP: on California Sea Lions (Replay from 2020 workshop)
CLICK HERE for Bonus Sea Lion Images for 2020 workshop

Marine Iguana Workshop

You’ll also learn a bit about the Galapagos Land Iguana and lava lizards.

Click to watch workshop

Click to download cheat sheet (new version)

BONUS REPTILE WORKSHOP: Gila Monsters (Replay from 2020 workshop)

CLICK HERE to download the Gila Monster Sketching Cheatsheet, then follow along to the video.

Parrotfish Workshop

You’ll also learn a bit about other common fish and invertebrates of the rocky reefs including Moorish Idols, surgeon fish, butterfly fish, pufferfish, eels.

Click to watch workshop

Click to download cheat sheet

BONUS FISH WORKSHOP: Hammerhead Sharks (Replay from 2020 workshop)

CLICK HERE to download the Hammerhead Sharks Sketching Cheatsheet, then follow along to the video below.

Blue-footed Booby Workshop

You’ll also learn a bit about the other booby species; the Red-footed, Nazca, and Brown Booby, as well as other unique birds of the enchanted isles.

Click to watch workshop

Click to download cheat sheet

BONUS BIRD WORKSHOP: penguins  (Replay from 2020 workshop)

CLICK HERE to download the Emperor Penguin Sketching Cheatsheet, then follow along to the video below.

Sally Lightfoot Crab Workshop

You’ll also learn a bit about other marine invertebrates including sea urchins, sea stars, and sea cucumbers.

Click to watch workshop

Click to download cheat sheet

BONUS INVERTEBRATE WORKSHOP: Sea Slug  (Replay from 2020 workshop)

CLICK HERE to download the Spanish Shawl Sea Slug Sketching Cheatsheet, then follow along to the video below.

Bonus Drawing Skills Workshop

Click HERE to access a recording of my live workshop called “Whole Brain Techniques for Improving Your Drawing Skills,” a workshop I taught for the Wild Wonder online nature sketching and journaling conference in 2020.