Celebrate March’s National Aardvark Day and Aardvark Week by watching my comprehensive video workshop below!

You’ll learn all about the biology, anatomy, and behavior of the amazing African Aardvark. You’ll also learn how to sketch one in a step-by-step drawing demonstration in which you’ll create your own finished drawing of an Aardvark. So gather your pencils and download your Aardvark Reference Photos in order to follow along!



  • I bet you didn’t know that the Aardvark has a 12-inch-long tongue. Its flat shape and stickiness allow these resourceful mammals to lap up over 50,000 ants and termites each night! They share this trait with other insectivores on the African plains including rare pangolins.
  • These unique mammals live across Sub-Saharan Africa and are supremely adapted to their nocturnal, burrowing lifestyle. They dine exclusively on ants and termites (plus one very special plant) and they exhibit many interesting anatomical features shared by other insectivores like pangolins, armadillos, tamanduas, and anteaters.
  • While few people ever get to see an Aardvark in the African savannahs they call home, these shy and nocturnal mammals serve an incredibly important ecological role. Their ability to dig multiple, large burrows throughout their home ranges makes them important ecological engineers. Many animals utilize these burrows once an aardvark has moved on including hyenas, warthogs, jackals, ground squirrels, hedgehogs, hares and porcupines. Even owls and snakes will take advantage of these ‘prefab’ homes.
  • When wildfires threaten the wilderness, all these animals can use aardvark burrows to safely escape from the deadly heat and fire. Thus, aardvarks serve as vital keystone species helping to maintain the biological diversity of the African savannahs!
  • Tragically, the biggest threat to Aardvarks is humans. They are hunted for bushmeat  and made into various talismans used by native groups. Their native habitats are being converted to farmlands. They are persecuted by ranchers because they dig holes that livestock can fall into. And pesticides used by farmers kill their insect prey.
  • One of the best places to see healthy Aardvark populations is in South Africa’s Kruger National Park.


Learn how to draw 30+ families of the world’s mammals while learning cool facts about their biology and anatomy. Now on sale for just $56.50!