Bird Sketching Workshop
Learn the basics of sketching birds in pencil with Christine Elder. We’ll focus on depicting common Oregon species. We’ll cover the essentials of bird anatomy and practice quick field sketching techniques to help you capture the bird shapes and behaviors observed when sketching outdoors.
Date: June 15-16, 2019. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Sagebrushers Art Society, 117 SW Roosevelt Ave, Bend, Oregon
Cost: $125, with all materials included.
Refund policy: If workshop is canceled or rescheduled by instructor, your entire fee will be refunded.
REGISTRATION: To register email Christine to make sure room is still available then send a check for $125.00 to Christine Elder at P.O. Box 6752, Bend, Oregon 97702.
About your instructor: Christine Elder is a teaching artist, professional biological illustrator and member of the Guild of Natural Science Illustrators.
She teaches workshops, runs an online art school, and leads international nature-sketching holidays and birdwatching tours to destinations such as Borneo, Mexico, Sicily and throughout the United States.
Download the high-resolution PDF Poster as shown below HERE