Arctic Terns

Arctic Terns

In honor of World Migratory Bird Day, let’s celebrate the Arctic Tern; the world record holder for migration. Learn fascinating facts about these birds in the story below.               Learn to Sketch and Paint an Arctic Tern Watch the recording of my Arctic...
Morel Mushrooms

Morel Mushrooms

In the video workshop below, I’ll introduce you to mushroom biology and then I’ll lead you in a step-by-step drawing demonstration of the edible morel mushroom. Follow along with me! Get a pencil and paper and download your Morel Mushroom Handout (as seen below the...
Bat Month!

Bat Month!

October marks Bat Appreciation Month Learn About Bats’ Vital Ecological Roles BATS HELP CONTROL INSECTS Bats are able to consume their body weight in insects each night, making them a great natural source for mosquito control! BATS POLLINATE MANY PLANT SPECIES...
Sketching Mushrooms

Sketching Mushrooms

In the video workshop below, I’ll introduce you to the iconic toadstool of fairytales; the Fly Agaric mushroom, Amanita muscaria. Then I’ll go over the parts of a mushroom as well as my six steps to sketching success. Lastly, I’ll lead you in a...