Below you’ll find my mini-course on quick and easy drawing techniques to help you learn to sketch anything with ease and confidence.
Now, set aside some time to watch the videos below and follow along with a pencil and paper.
Feel free to watch all the videos at once or each one at your convenience. Either way, you should watch the videos in the order they are shown to get the most out of this training.
For this video, you’ll need a pencil and paper and please download the Six-Step Roadmap to Sketching Success handout.
SKETCHING A ROBIN (20 minutes)
For this video, you’ll need a pencil and paper and please download the Six-Step Roadmap to Sketching Success and the Robin Sketching Cheat Sheet handouts
Suggested Homework (~20 minutes)
If you’ve completed the videos above and want to challenge yourself to improve your drawing ability even more, then try the drawing exercises below in the following order.
1. Print a second copy of the Robin Sketching Cheat Sheet and draw the robin on your own, this time only referring to the Six-Step Roadmap to Sketching Success without using the video.
2. Draw the robin again, this time drawing it larger or smaller than the reference photo to practice scaling your proportions correctly.
3. Draw any or all of the robin photos from the Collage of European Robins for Practice handout below.
4. Draw these common birds of the Pacific Northwest.
Note of encouragement: although the bird species on these handouts may look like they are in more difficult positions to draw, I’m confident you can be successful if you follow the steps and tips I’ve presented to you in this mini-course!
Learn More About European Robins
Here’s some information and videos about the beautiful European Robin, Erithacus rubecula, we sketched in this course.
Once you’ve completed this mini-course, 60 Minutes from Stick Figures to Songbirds, I’d love to see the sketches you drew. Feel free to send them to me at: hello@christineelder.com