World Firefly Day

World Firefly Day

World Firefly Day is celebrated on the 4th of July to spotlight nature’s original firework displays! In their honor, I’ll share interesting facts about their biology, habitats, lifecycles, and of course, how and why fireflies glow! Lastly, I’ll share...
Best Animal Dads

Best Animal Dads

On this Father’s Day, I can’t help but believe that seahorses win the top prize for best dads since they are the only males in the animal kingdom to carry their babies in a sort of pregnancy. SEAHORSES: BEST ANIMAL DADS Click here to learn amazing facts...
Reef Day

Reef Day

In celebration of coral reefs on World Reef Day, I’m sharing some resources below for your educational enjoyment! CORAL REEF FISH FAMILIES GUIDE I designed the coral reef fish family guide to help folks learn about some of the common families of coral reef...
Bilingual Birds!

Bilingual Birds!

Bilingual Spanish / English Coloring Pages I designed and illustrated these bilingual bird education coloring pages for your enjoyment. If you are a parent, educator, or child who wishes to download these coloring pages below, feel free to use them at no cost.   CLICK...