Sketching Butterflies

Sketching Butterflies

Learn All About Butterflies and How to Sketch Them March 14th is National Learn About Butterflies Day so If you’d like to learn more about butterflies, I invite you to watch my 55-minute tutorial video below. I suggest you gather some graphite and colored...
Celebrate Aardvarks!

Celebrate Aardvarks!

Celebrate March’s National Aardvark Day and Week by watching my comprehensive video workshop below! You’ll learn all about the biology, anatomy, and behavior of the amazing African Aardvark. You’ll also learn how to sketch one in a step-by-step drawing...
World Wildlife Day

World Wildlife Day

Celebrating Wildlife The United Nations’ World Wildlife Day is celebrated annually on March 3rd and the theme for 2023 is “Partnerships for Wildlife Conservation.” World Wildlife Day was created in 2013 when the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed this...
Celebrating Whales

Celebrating Whales

February is a big month for celebrating whales. Humpback Whale Awareness Month is celebrated all during the month of February and Whale Week and World Whale Day are celebrated each year during the 3rd week of February. All these events are meant to highlight the...