World Migratory Bird Day World Migratory Bird Day is an annual awareness-raising campaign highlighting the need for the conservation of migratory birds and their habitats. It is celebrated twice each year, at the height of the migratory seasons, on the second Saturday...
International Vulture Awareness Day The first Saturday in September is set aside annually to observe International Vulture Awareness Day. So I’d like to share some fascinating facts about these much-maligned but vitally important birds and showcase some of my...
Whooping Cranes are celebrated on Whooping Crane day each year on May 28th. Below you can learn some cool facts about these endangered North American birds. Facts About Whooping Crane The Whooping Crane; Grus americana, of North America is among the rarest birds in...
By Christine Elder (Includes tips, videos, resources, and downloadable guides for warbler identification) Identifying Those Troublesome Warblers! One of the more challenging bird families to identify is the Parulidae; or New World Wood Warblers. Many, like the common...
DISCOVER AND SKETCH THE 2023 FEATURED SPECIES! Watch the two workshops below where I share fun facts about the 2023 World Migratory Bird Day featured species as I demonstrate how to sketch each of them including the Northern Shoveler, American White, Pelican, Osprey,...
Scarlet Macaw Workshop In the video workshop below, we’ll focus on macaws; the showiest and largest members of the beloved parrot family, many of which face extinction in the wild. Then, I’ll lead you through a step-by-step drawing tutorial of the...
John James Audubon John James Audubon was one of the world’s most acclaimed ornithologists and bird artists, known best for his studies and illustrations of North American birds in their natural habitat. As a bird artist myself, I’ve always been fascinated...
In honor of World Migratory Bird Day, let’s celebrate the Arctic Tern; the world record holder for migration. Learn fascinating facts about these birds in the story below. Learn to Sketch and Paint an Arctic Tern Watch the recording of my Arctic...
International Vulture Awareness Day is observed annually on the first Saturday of September. In honor of the occasion, I’m sharing this presentation in which you’ll learn fascinating facts about the two families of the world’s vultures, including the...
I love observing and filming birds in the wild and below you can find information and short videos of exceptional species native to the Neotropics. King Vulture painting by Christine Elder Montserrat Oriole Ornate Hawk-Eagle Plate-billed Mountain-Toucan Purple Carib...