John James Audubon

John James Audubon was one of the world’s most acclaimed ornithologists and bird artists, known best for his studies and illustrations of North American birds in their natural habitat. As a bird artist myself, I’ve always been fascinated by his life and dedication to his craft.

Early Life

He was born in Haiti on April 26th, 1785, the illegitimate son of a French sea captain and a servant. His father eventually brought him home to France where he was raised. Audubon had an interest in nature and wildlife from a young age. As a child, he would frequently go off into the woods and collect items to study and draw.

Painting of Ivory-billed Woodpeckers

Drawing and Painting Birds

At the age of 18, Audubon was sent to America by his father where he lived on his family’s estate near Valley Forge, Pennsylvania. There, his interest in nature continued to deepen. He learned English and became an avid hunter and fisherman, with a passion for drawing. He was particularly fond of studying birds and creating illustrations based on his observations. Since this era was before the time of cameras and binoculars, the only way to get close enough to a bird to draw it accurately was to, unfortunately, shoot it dead; an accepted practice of the day.

Portrait of John James Audubon

Young Audubon created his own unique system for shooting birds, then inserting wires into their bodies and posing them in natural looking ways in order to sketch them. He worked in a variety of media including pencil, pen, watercolor, and oils. His paintings are respected for showing the birds in their native habitats and accurately depicting the anatomy and behaviors of each species.

Painting of Belted Kingfishers

Middle Years

He eventually married and had two sons. After several years as a store owner, Audubon left home to document the birds of America. His wife, Lucy, became a tutor to earn money for the family in order to support her husband’s expedition. Leaving his family behind, he set off into the wilderness to discover and paint the birds of the continent. Audubon eventually brought his works to England where they were immediately regarded with great admiration.

The Birds of America

Over a period of thirteen years, John James Audubon painted 435 different species of North American birds. When he was finished, the paintings were compiled into his greatest work, The Birds of America, published in 1827. The book was so large, it is divided up into seven volumes. Here’s a view of my copies.

Birds of America 7-volume set

Tragically, at least seven species of birds included in Audubon’s book have since become extinct: Carolina Parakeet, Pinnated Grouse, Labrador Duck, Great Auk, Eskimo Curlew, Ivory-billed Woodpecker, and the Passenger Pigeon, There were an estimated 3 billion passenger pigeons in the world in the early 1800s — in fact about one in every three birds in North America was a passenger pigeon at the time. Their flocks were so large, it took hours and even days for them to pass. Here’s Audubon’s portrait of the passenger pigeon.

Painting of Passenger Pigeons


Several years after the publication of Birds of America, he collaborated with fellow ornithologist, William MacGillivray, on a sequel titled, Ornithological Biographies. He then began working on another collaboration, Viviparous Quadrupeds of North America, which his sons published after his death.


Painting of Tundra Swan

 Later LIfe

Eventually settling down with his family in New York, Audubon published an updated edition of The Birds of America and spent much of his time promoting it. In his early sixties, he began developing dementia and then suffered from a stroke. He died a short time later on January 27, 1851.

Painting of White Gyrfalcons

National Audubon Society

John James Audubon was not involved in the National Audubon Society, whose mission is to protect birds and their habits. However, the name of the organization was chosen by George Bird Grinnell. Having been tutored by Audubon’s wife, Lucy. Grinnell chose the name based on Audubon’s dedication to studying, drawing and protecting birds.

Learn More About Audubon

Audubon For Youth


Short Film on Audubon’s Life

More Bird Resources on this Website

Here are some more stories, videos, and bird sketching resources I’ve written.

World Penguin Day

All About Whooping Cranes

How to Sketch Barn Owls

World Migratory Bird Day and Why Birds Migrate

My Costa Rica Birding Big (sketching) Day

Tips for Sketching Birds

How to Sketch Kestrels

Celebrate Vultures

How to Draw Hummingbirds

Identifying Warblers in the Spring

The American Dipper

How to Sketch Parrots

Autumnal Recrudescence

How to Draw Bluebirds

A Black-headed Grosbeak Nest (video)

Kid’s Bird Coloring Pages

Blue-winged Warbler


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