Bug Book Project

Illustrations for a Freshwater Invertebrates Book

I created over 100 illustrations of freshwater invertebrates for The Bug Book, A Guide to the Identification of Common Aquatic Benthic Macroinvertebrate Families of California and Western North America.  Each illustration was created by observing preserved specimens under a microscope, then creating a detailed drawing, then importing that into Adobe Illustrator and creating a digital version that could easily be scaled and placed within the family pages.

Created 100 Illustrations for The Bug Book

Created 100 Illustrations for The Bug Book


Orders of Aquatic Insects

Orders of Aquatic Insects, digital illustration by Christine Elder

To purchase a copy of the Bug Book, contact Carrie Ammerman, Finance and Operations Director, of the conservation organization that published it (Sierra Streams) at carrie@sierrastreamsinstitute.org