Top 10 Benefits of Keeping a Travel Journal

Top 10 Benefits of Keeping a Travel Journal

Have you ever been traveling and noticed a person completely engrossed in the activity of journaling, perhaps with a somewhat dreamy expression on her face, and seemingly oblivious to the chaos around her? Perhaps you said to yourself “I should try that on my next...
Rewards of Nature Journaling

Rewards of Nature Journaling

Keeping a nature journal is a time-honored tradition, practiced throughout history; from the ancient Greeks to naturalists like Darwin, Audubon and Muir. Traditionally, its main purpose was to keep a record of one’s observations to learn about the principles governing...
Adventures in Mexico

Adventures in Mexico

  A surprisingly different itinerary and a fresh perspective When  I’m  planning a trip to Mexico, I’m not dreaming about palm-lined beaches and stiff margaritas –  though I may enjoy both from time to time 😉 No, I’m planning our days around...

Alaska in Winter

We visited Nome, Alaska in December for the Christmas Bird Count and to give workshops for the University. Here’s a little movie about our...

America Speaks Up!

As a scientist and environmental educator, I feel that I must add my two-cents to the November 2016 election results. There’s just too much at stake. I’ve never been a ‘political’ person, and I’m ashamed to admit that the only voice...

My Manifesto

I wholeheartedly believe: Getting stung by a jellyfish or bitten by a leech is a small price to pay for experiencing the raw beauty of wild nature. I would rather spend a day out hiking or skinny dipping than going to a mall. I think insects and snakes aren’t creepy...
Autumnal Recrudescence

Autumnal Recrudescence

Autumnal Recrudescence––Say What??? Happy Autumnal Equinox! But, curiously it feels like Spring again. Why? Because I’m awakened by the birds in our neighborhood at dawn, singing as if it’s June. Perhaps you’ve noticed it too. So what physiological reason can we...
Interview with Christine Elder

Interview with Christine Elder

Interview between Christine Elder and Isabelle Rizo I was interviewed on July 23, 2016 by my friend and colleague, Isabelle Rizo about my journey in combining my work as a naturalist, environmental educator, and artist with teaching  folks to connect with nature...
A Day in the Life of a Field Biologist

A Day in the Life of a Field Biologist

If you’ve ever wondered what it’s like to be a field biologist, you may enjoy this story I wrote about my time spent assisting with an endangered bird survey conducted in the Sierra Nevada mountains of northern California. Near the Summer Solstice, I...
A Porcupine Tale

A Porcupine Tale

Porcupine Love; a Spiny Affair Reproduction for porcupines – the subject of many speculative jokes- is a chancy affair. The female is fertile only once a year in the autumn and then only for a window of several hours. The male, being a solitary creature, must...